


The Mission of Housing Opportunities Community Partners (HOCP) is to provide services that strengthen the housing stability and increase the self-sufficiency of low- and moderate-income families and individuals living in Montgomery County’s affordable housing so that:

  • No one has unmet needs that threaten their housing stability;
  • Adults and children have the tools that help them reach their fullest potential; and
  • Households can attain their vision for a more fulfilling quality of life.


It is our vision that low- and moderate-income families and individuals living in Montgomery County’s af­fordable housing are able to pursue opportunities that allow them and their children to realize their fullest potential. We can assist them in their efforts by leveraging public and private resources to support programs that open doors of opportunity, and help residents achieve self-sufficiency to realize their dreams. We believe that strategically designed programs that support each generation in the household can help families increase their economic status and ultimately break from poverty.

As the non-profit affiliate of the Housing Opportunities Commission (HOC) – Montgomery County’s Public Housing Authority – HOCP plays a crucial role in helping bring a continuum of innovative services that meet the needs of the whole family.

Role of Board

The Board of Directors oversees the work of several programs that benefit low-income residents in affordable housing, while providing mission-based leadership and overall strategic governance. HOCP works closely with HOC to support its mission and enhance the lives and opportunities available to its customers and clients.  While day-to-day operations are led by volunteer staff of HOC, the Board provides guidance and support where necessary.  The Board–staff relationship is a critical partnership that relies on input from both entities. 

Board terms/participation

Community Board Directors are appointed by the Housing Opportunities Commission, serve three year terms and are eligible for re-appointment for additional terms.  Board meetings are held up to six times a year. Committee meetings are conducted as needed and in coordination with full Board meetings.

Specific Board Director Responsibilities Include:

Leadership, governance and oversight

  • Reviewing, modifying and approving proposals for funding programs that assist income qualified persons and families
  • Reviewing outcomes and metrics created by HOCP for evaluating its impact, and regularly measuring its performance and effectiveness using those metrics;
  • Reviewing agenda and supporting materials prior to Board and committee meetings.
  • Approving the HOCP annual budget, audit reports, and material business decisions, being informed of, and meeting all, legal and fiduciary responsibilities
  • Taking on special assignments as needed
  • Representing HOCP to stakeholders, acting as an ambassador for the organization
  • Ensuring HOCP commitment to a diverse Board and staff that reflects the community makeup of Montgomery County, MD.


Board Directors consider HOCP a philanthropic priority. Board Directors seek out and interact with community organizations, businesses, foundations and organizations that can assist in achieving the goals of HOCP with contributions of funds and services.

Qualifications- General

Membership on the Board requires a passionate and energetic individual who cares about assisting low-income families in Montgomery County achieve a better quality of life.  Board members have a proven record of leadership, community development, in business, government, philanthropy or the non- profit sector.

Directors shall be Commissioners of the Housing Opportunities Commission of Montgomery County or residents of Montgomery County, Maryland or employees of organizations conducting business in Montgomery County, Maryland. 

The number of Directors on the Board is limited to seven.  Four seats on the Board are reserved for designees of pre-determined professions, disciplines or experience. 

The seats shall include:

  • one (1) attorney at law
  • one (1) accountant
  • one (1) marketing professional
  • one (1) low-income resident of Montgomery County, Maryland, 40% of AMI or lower
  • three (3) “at-large” seats

Ideal candidates will have the following qualifications:

  • Professional experience with executive leadership accomplishments in business, government, philanthropy, or the nonprofit sector.
  • A commitment to and understanding of HOCP client needs and family dynamics
  • Skills and natural affinity for cultivating relationships and endowments
  • Personal qualities of integrity, credibility and a passion for improving the lives of low –income families living in Montgomery County, MD.

Service on the HOCP Board of Directors is without remuneration, except for travel and accommodation costs related to official Board business.