Our Work

Our Work

As the nonprofit affiliate of HOC, Community Partners works to secure funding for a variety of programs that empower low-income households to realize their full potential.

Our programs help to equip low-income children to succeed in school, empower high school students to pursue post-secondary education, teach unemployed HOC residents the necessary skills for success in the job market and in creating their own small businesses, and help homeless families obtain permanent housing

Youth Programs

Community Partners provides early reading programs, out-of-school activities in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) and internships to help youth succeed  in school and prepare for success as adults.

Adult Programs

Community Partners works closely with HOC to offer Adult Education/Workforce Development (AEWD) services and small business development training to HOC adults, helping them realize greater self-sufficiency.

Programs for Seniors

Community Partners supports a variety of programming in the arts, exercise, nutrition and financial literacy for residents of HOC senior communities, helping strengthen their health and foster increased social connection and engagement.

Move-In Assistance

We provide assistance to homeless families, such as application and deposit fees, mattresses and furniture and basic household necessities, that helps them attain permanent housing.

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