Adult Programs

Adult Programs

Adult Education/Workforce Development (AEWD)

HOC provides tuition assistance and workforce development services to help participants create and follow an education/career plan and increase the soft skills they need to attain and retain employment. After various federal and local forms of academic assistance are exhausted, participants may receive additional financial assistance from Community Partners for tuition, fees, books, supplies, etc., in pursuit of a degree and/or vocational certification.

With tuition assistance, hundreds of HOC customers have been able to work toward their educational/vocational goals and significantly improve their financial self-sufficiency by securing employment with livable wages.

Small Business Development

Starting a business is daunting no matter one’s circumstances, but it is especially so for those who have great ideas but limited knowledge and resources. HOC and Community Partners step in to give aspiring entrepreneurs the instruction and support they need to put them on the best path to success. Our small business development program teaches everything about starting and maintaining a business. Participants learn about business structures and tax obligations, marketing and sales strategies, human resources and how to secure resources needed to keep a business operational during the critical first year and beyond.

More than 50 small businesses have been launched by HOC customers thanks to this program.

Woman instructor in classroom
Smiling family moving into new home

Move-in Assistance

The many expenses involved in moving into a new apartment – application fees, security deposits, utility connection and security fees – can be prohibitively high for lower income families seeking to transition  out of homelessness. They likewise have little or no money for furniture and bedding. The waiting list for free furniture is several  months long and growing. With fewer resources it has become even more difficult for these families to move into permanent housing.

Community Partners over the years has helped hundreds of low-income families meet those move-in costs and thereby obtain stable, permanent housing. We have helped hundreds of families leave homelessness.

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